Anilinkz video enlarger

View the Project on GitHub EnyMan/anilinkz-video-enlarger


I am anime fan and i've been watching anime for good 7 years now lately i stumbled upon webpage called And i loved that page, but after few weeks i got kinda frustrated with the small video player, i know its part of the site design and small screens, so i decided to make my life a bit easier by making script that would make the video player a bit bigger. And so here it is :)

Anilinkz video enlarger

Currently works only for ArkVid video source.

You need Tampermonkey or greasemonkey or any other (i dont know them all) browser extension that can install UserScripts

Adds button to video pages that lets you enlarge the videos for better viewing pleasure. By default it enlarges the video 1.5 times = the video is 125% bigger (thus better right?).


Any suggestions are welcome. Also if you feel it can be done better feel free to make a pull request